ANIDIS - L'ingegneria Sismica in Italia, ANIDIS XIX & ASSISi XVII - 2022

Dimensione del carattere:  Piccola  Media  Grande

Shake-table tests on an industrial steel rack isolated with innovative modular devices

Gabriele Guerrini, Francesco Graziotti, Andrea Penna

Ultima modifica: 2022-08-20


Seismic isolation is a topic of great interest in earthquake-prone regions because it can be applied as an integrated system in new structures, as a retrofit solution for existing structures, and as a passive protection for non-structural components. In particular, this paper discusses the experimental results from dynamic shake-table tests conducted at the University of Pavia and at the EUCENTRE Foundation (Pavia, Italy) on a seismically isolated industrial steel rack. Despite the undeniable effectiveness of common devices in reducing the seismic accelerations transmitted to isolated buildings, they might not be suitable for protecting non-structural systems because of intrinsic cost, durability, and mechanical issues. To overcome these drawbacks, an innovative seismic isolator based on a multiple articulated quadrilateral mechanism and named "Kinematic Steel Joint (KSJ)" has been patented by Kyneprox S.r.l. This device can be manufactured by simply cutting, folding, and pinning steel sheets, eventually employing stainless or galvanized steel to mitigate corrosion issues. Its modular nature allows tailoring it to different superstructure masses. The trajectory imposed by the KSJ isolator to the superstructure results in a pendulum-type motion with self-centering behavior. Friction within the pinned joints grants some energy dissipation to the device, and replaceable fuses can be added to act as brakes before reaching the maximum displacement range. The KSJ devices were installed at the base of a five-shelf, two-bay industrial steel rack, isolated in the cross-aisle (transverse) direction and braced in the down-aisle (longitudinal) one. Incremental uniaxial shake-table tests were conducted in the isolated direction under three different loading scenarios. The beneficial effects of the isolators on the dynamic response of the rack are discussed in terms of acceleration and displacement demands.

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