ANIDIS - L'ingegneria Sismica in Italia, ANIDIS XIX & ASSISi XVII - 2022

Dimensione del carattere:  Piccola  Media  Grande

Investigation of a butterfly-arch stress-ribbon pedestrian bridge under ambient excitation: dynamic identification, FE modelling and parametric optimization

Leqia He, Chiara Castoro, Angelo Aloisio, Zhiyong Zhang, Giuseppe Carlo Marano, Amedeo Gregori, Changgen Deng, Bruno Briseghella

Ultima modifica: 2022-08-30


The dynamic behaviour of a butterfly-arch stress-ribbon pedestrian bridge located in Fuzhou, Fujian, China was investigated under ambient excitation. Highly synchronous tri-axial wireless sensors were used to get an estimate of the model parameters, finding eight  stable modes with bending and torsional deformations in the frequency range 3.59-14.92 Hz. Different finite element models of the bridge were developed and a parametric optimization process with a sensitivity-based algorithm was performed to achieve the best model which could be used as baseline for a long-term monitoring of the bridge. 

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